Expert Strategies for Modern Retirement Solutions

Practical insights for today's retirement planning challenges.

What Really Matters

In this blog post, renowned financial expert Frank Sortino critiques the traditional risk tolerance questionnaire, arguing that it misrepresents risk by focusing on volatility rather than a more realistic measure of success: achieving a Desired Target Return (DTR). While Sortino refers to this concept as DTR, at Essential Returns, we use the term Essential Returns Objective (ERO). Both concepts emphasize the importance of maximizing returns above the target while minimizing risks below it.

Frank Sortino

Maximizing Retirement Savings: The ERO Calculator and Optimizer Approach

If you're planning for retirement and wondering whether traditional target-date funds (TDFs) are your best option, this article introduces an exciting alternative. While TDFs have their benefits, they don't always consider your unique financial situation. Enter the Essential Returns Objective (ERO) Calculator and Optimizer, research-backed tools developed by leading financial experts. These tools tailor investment strategies based on your specific goals, offering a more dynamic and personalized approach. By combining the benefits of both TDFs and custom solutions, the ERO tools could help you maximize your retirement savings and give you peace of mind for the future.

Jim Kaffen